Blogging on a bus. 

There’s wifi on this bus… Modern technology, am I right??! I’m currently on my way to Pereira, Colombia, where I’ll be meeting up with a fellow stanford gap year taker. I’ve also been on buses for almost twenty hours now, and really not much has happened.

mountains and mountains and mountains


Surprise visitor on our bus! He had big guns. 😉


It’s ok I’ll hit up my drug lord for a cash advance. Pancho takes care of his mules.


This lightning storm is giving me bad flashbacks of the Cotopaxi disaster… haha, flashbacks, get it…

My current outfit of choice is bean poncho over gray sweats. I haven’t brushed my hair for quite a whiles now (actually found a dreadlock in it earlier, God knows how long that’s been there) and am trying to look as grungy/homeless as possible to ward off potential kidnappers (“P. U.! We definitely don’t want this one.”) I might’ve taken it too far though because some nice lady bought me a pack of cookies earlier. Why would you ever offer a complete stranger food, unless you thought they were homeless? It was a little embarassing but hey, I’ve never been one to turn down cookies.